Nizamabad girl student bags two gold medals

Miss Ateeba Shazi who completed her M.Sc in Physics from the Giriraj Government College bagged two gold medals at the 79th convocation of the Osmania University in Hyderabad .

A distinction student from the beginning, she stood first securing more than 85 percentage in SSC, Intermediate and B.Sc. In M.Sc, she scored 87 per cent and bagged the Prof.N. Rajeswar Rao Memorial Gold Medal and also B. Hayagreena and Revathi Gold Medal.

Daughter of Abid Ali, a lecturer in Commerce at the GGC, she was given the Abid Ali Khan merit award by Siasat Urdu daily.

source: / Home> National> Andhra Pradesh / by Staff Reporter / Nizamabad, February 09th, 2013

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