Meeting at Indian Embassy by NATS

North America Telugu Society (NATS) NATS conducts a very Successful meeting between Trivalley University Students and US immigration officials at the Indian Embassy in Washington, DC

NATS President Mr. Ravi Madala, Immigration Attorney Ms. Sheela Murthy along with around 65 TVU Victims met the SEVP (Student Exchange Visitor Program) Director Mr. Louis M Farrell, Assistant Director Ms. K Kennedy and two other ICE (Immigration and Customs enforcement) Special Agents, in the Indian Embassy today, to discuss and resolve issues caused by the closure of the university.

This meeting was arranged by the Indian Embassy, after NATS intervening in this issue and conducting a meeting with Indian Ambassador on March 28, 2011, in which Mr. Rajagopal Lagadapati, MP from India and NATS Officials urged the Ambassador to help the students in this issue.

In addition, NATS organized a protest infront of the Whitehouse on March 29, 2011, where over 100 students gathered with placards and chanted slogans to bring these issues to President Obama’s attention. As a result US officaials are now starting to take these matters seriously and NATS hopes to have a claer resolution on this matter in the next two to three weeks

During the April 15, 2011 meeting NATS representatives submitted a memorandum with six specific  action items to the SEVP Director.

1. US officials should not issue anymore NTA’s (Notice to Appear) related Trivalley issue. ICE should withdraw all  outstanding NTA’s.

2. Return the bond money immediately.

3. Issue a policy statement declaring, students to be in status for 180 days, from the university closure date January 18, 2011.  Provide copies of the statement to USCIS, CBP (Customs and Border Petrol) and State Department

4. Return the fee money held by ICE to students, advise banks / credit card companies to return the fee to students.

5. Release all detainees immediately.

6. No more detentions of students; communicate the same to all customs & border petrol and USCIS officers across the country.

Attorney Ms. Sheela Murthy volunteered to help the affected students and asked all the students to write their case to her so that she could do the best from her end to help the case.

The US Officials were very positive in their demeanor and listened very patiently to the concerns of all students who attended the meeting. US officials conveyed they will work on a feasible solution to end this crisis immediately.

NATS is currently working on having a dialogue between Prme Minister Manmohan Singh and the President Obama. NATS will be meeting President’s office and get this issue reloved in the next few weeks.

source: / Home> Articles> Special Articles / April 16th, 2011


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